KE140 Repeat




October 16, 2010


Acrylic on Paper






This design was created to remind us to learn from all of our experiences in life (good and / or bad) so that we may grow our souls spiritually and live a meaningful life. Everything we do every day, every sound we hear, vision we see, every person we interact with and every breath we share has an effect and impact on our soul and our future. They affect the souls around us as well.

“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.”

As the old saying goes, we may not get everything right the first time, but we should keep trying. Often times, it isn’t as important to reach the goal as it is to get the experience of trying. In fact, mistakes often lead to greater successes! Here is an example of nine things that were invented or discovered by accident. Even if they don’t lead to a more positive ending, making mistakes can help us prevent further issues in the future.

Do the best you can, then take a step back and review what how it turned out. If you like what you see, take a mental note so you can get the same great results in the future. If you don’t like what you see, take a mental note and see what you could change to make it better.

Learn, repeat, learn, repeat, and do it again!(3rd of 8 in design #146 For the Kids)

Want to know more?


I was woken up at 3am on this day by a dream and shown the design layout. The messages of how to paint these and their individual meanings continued to flow after I awoke, so I decided to get up and paint them all while the info was fresh!


This is spiritual art for people who are having rough times in life or having trouble getting through a “slump”.


This is the third of a set of eight pictures in design #146, “For the Kids“.

Music Composition:

Composed: October 16, 2010

Interested in this design?


Inspiration, Spiritual
